Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.)

by Udahiliportal Editor 03

About Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.)

ASI is a global advisory company that works locally to transform lives by making economies stronger, societies more stable, and governments more effective.Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.)

Our clients are governments, international organisations, companies, and foundations. They come to us to develop strategies and to design, deliver and evaluate programmes that address the big challenges facing the world.

As a company with experience of delivering lasting results, including in fragile states and where there is conflict, we are prepared to manage a high level of risk to achieve our purpose.

Location and Contact Information


Tel: +254 20 444 4388

Vacancies and Internships at Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.) – Nafasi za Kazi Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.)

Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.) job vacancies are normally advertised through the Official Adam Smith International (Adam Smith Intl.) jobs portal which can be accessed through this link-. HTTPS://ADAMSMITHINTERNATIONAL.COM/


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