Aga Khan Education Service

by Udahiliportal Editor 03

About Aga Khan Education Service

Currently operating more than 200 schools and educational programmes, AKES provides quality pre-school, primary and secondary education services to students in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The foundations of the present system were laid by Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan, III, who established over 200 schools during the first half of the 20th century, the first in 1905 in Mundra and Gwadar in South Asia, and in Zanzibar in East Africa. Today AKES schools and programmes benefit over 85,000 students

Aga Khan Education Service Location and Contact Information

Address: Fire Station Rd, Dar es Salaam
Open ⋅ Closes 1:30PM
Phone: 022 215 1253

Vacancies and Internships at Aga Khan Education Service – Nafasi za Kazi Aga Khan Education Service

Aga Khan Education Service job vacancies are normally advertised through the Official Aga Khan Education Service jobs portal which can be accessed through this link-. HTTPS://WWW.AKDN.ORG/OUR-AGENCIES/AGA-KHAN-EDUCATION-SERVICES


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