Airtel Tanzania Limited


About Airtel Tanzania Limited

Airtel Tanzania Limited is part of Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 18 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, the company’s product offerings include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high speed home broadband, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G, 4G wireless services and mobile commerce. Bharti Airtel has over 403 million customers across its operations.

Airtel Tanzania was launched in October 2001 and is Tanzania’s most innovative mobile phone operator, which has introduced many “firsts” in the telecommunications sector.

Airtel Tanzania subscribers have access to the only network that allows them to roam at the local rates while in East Africa. These services include:

  • 1. GPRS Services – Internet, WAP and MMS
  • 2. Me2U
  • 3. Mobile Top-up
  • 4. SMS information services
  • 5. Prepaid plans
  • 6. Postpaid plans
  • 7. International Roaming
  • 8. Local and international text message
  • 9. 24-hour Customer Care Centre
  • 10. We also offer Value Added Services that come as a standard package on our network.

Airtel Tanzania Location and Contact Information

Vacancies and Internships at Airtel Tanzania – Nafasi za Kazi Airtel Tanzania

Airtel is a dynamic company that offers excellent career opportunities for talented and motivated individuals. Currently, the departments and careers include but are not limited to: Customer Service, Administration, Human Resources, Marketing, Networks, IT, Legal and Regulatory, Finance, Mobile Money, Enterprise Sales, and Distribution Supply Chain Management

Our Hiring Process

  • Career opportunities are posted on either our digital platforms or in the News Papers.

Candidate Application

After reading a job posting, apply for the position that best matches your profile and interest area by emailing your CV, and application to


We match your profile with the requirements of our role.
Once a vacancy has closed, applications are shortlisted which takes a period of about 10 days after the vacancy closes. On completion, the successful candidates are contacted informing them of the proposed interview schedule.


  • · Once you are successful, you are contacted with information on the interview schedule, nature of interview (oral or written) venue, time, and all relevant details that will be required at the interview.


  • · If you are applying for an internship or frontline Sales job in airtel, you are required to undergo an aptitude test.
  • · If you are being considered for middle to a senior-level management role, then you’ll be required to undergo an Oral Interview and an Occupational Personality Questionnaire.


In case of final selection, we would be conducting a background verification check on the credentials provided by you.

After The Interview

All candidates will be informed of the outcome of their interview within 72 hours of attending the interview.

Joining & On-Boarding

We understand how you may feel during your initial days in a new organization, and hence we’ll be constantly with you during this crucial time and thereafter for your entire journey with us!

Here you will go through the Welcome to airtel orientation programme on the first day of joining and a follow-up is made 3 months within your joining to ensure that you have hit the ground running. However, your HR Business Partner and Line Manager are responsible for ensuring a smooth settling in throughout the onboarding program.

  • Airtel Tanzania Career opportunities are posted on either our digital platforms or in the News Paper, Fort more information please visit the official Airtel Tanzania career webpage –

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