Ilboru Secondary School Joining instructions

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Form five Joining instructions for Ilboru Secondary School

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Ilboru Secondary School Joining instruction

More info about Ilboru Secondary School

Ilboru Secondary School is located at Arusha. Ilboru Secondary School is boys school and it is doing well in English language, Biology and Chemistry than all subjects. Despite the effort in teaching, Ilboru Secondary School is still considered as green school

Ilboru Secondary School is a unique learning community that values and demonstrates respect for the individual and the educational experience at every level. Gifted and dedicated students, caring and supportive teachers work together to create a place that continually exemplifies what is possible in public education. We are nurturing extremely capable, creative, and ethical leaders who are positively changing the world. The future will continue to see Ilboru in the forefront of secondary school education, preparing leaders for the technological and scientific age of tomorrow. Thus we will be able to fulfill our responsibilities to serve our communities to the best of our abilities. At Ilboru we believe in the brotherhood, self determination and academic excellency.

A-level performance

A total of 177 candidates from this school sat in the form six national exams held in 2018.By gender composition, 1 were female students and 176 male students, indicating that this is a boy & girls school.

Ilboru Secondary School achieved a nationwide performance ranking of 16 out of 905 schools and exam centers in Tanzania. This was an rise of 31 positions in the national rankings compared to the results acheived in the previous year. Of the 177 students who sat the exam at the school, 173 passed the exam.

When compared to other schools, the school acheived the following performance ranking in the 10 subjects that student took for the exams:

Subject Ranking

O-level performance

A total of 138 candidates from this school sat in the form four national exams held in 2018.By gender composition, 0 were female students and 138 male students, indicating that this is a boys only school.

Ilboru Secondary School achieved a nationwide performance ranking of 28 out of 5943 schools and exam centers in Tanzania. This was an rise of 9 positions in the national rankings compared to the results acheived in the previous year. Of the 138 students who sat the exam at the school, 136 passed the exam with at least a Division IV.

When compared to other schools, the school acheived the following performance ranking in the 10 subjects that student took for the exams:

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