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Form five Joining instructions for Karatu secondary school
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Karatu secondary school Joining instructions
- Karatu secondary school Joining instruction 2023
- Karatu secondary school Joining instruction 2022
More info about Karatu secondary school
Karatu secondary school was built as a joint project between the Government of the united republic of Tanzania and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania(E.L.C.T) In this Project the church had significant contribution. The school enrolled its first students in 1974, the 40 enrolled students were internally displaced students from Tarime Secondary School.
Karatu secondary school a registered school with registration number S.137 was oficially inagurated by the First President of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Father of the Nation, The late Mwl. Julius Kambarage Nyerere on 14th June 1980.
The school started as a co- school with ordinary level form I-IV students, later in July 1995, the school received its first form five students with two streams HGE and CBA, In 2006 the O-level students were transferred to other schools and so the school remained with A-level students only (form V-VI), the removal of Ordinary level students provided more space for more combinations and up to date the school has ten (10) combinations which are:- PCM, PGM, PCB, CBG, CBA, EGM, HGE, HGL, HGK and HKL, also changed to single sex school and bear its now well known nick name “Karatu boys high school”
The School has continued to have vibrant leadership, well-educated teachers and excellent staff that ensure training, discipline and education are presented effectively to students in achieving national goals.
Karatu Secondary School – Description
Karatu Secondary School is located in Qurus Ward, Arusha Council . For more information please see the school contacts below.
Karatu Secondary School is boys school and it is doing well in Science and practice of agriculture, Advanced kiswahili and Advanced history than all subjects. Despite the effort in teaching, Karatu Secondary School is still considered as yellow school
Karatu Secondary School– Location and Contacts