Download Joining instructions for Kisimiri Secondary school
Form five Joining instructions for Kisimiri Secondary school
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Kisimiri Secondary school Joining instructions – Kisimiri High School
- Kisimiri Secondary school Joining instruction 2023
- Kisimiri Secondary school Joining instruction 2022
For Form one Joining instructions and admission letters use the links below
- Kisimiri Secondary school Form one Joining instruction 2023
- Kisimiri Secondary school Form one Joining instruction 2022
More info about Kisimiri Secondary school
The History of Kisimiri Secondary School
Kisimiri Secondary school is the product of a collective initiative by the people of kisimiri village. The local initiative later received a major impetus through a charitable donation from Prof. Emil Karafiat of Switzerland whose roots and earlier childhood life can be traced to this village located on the slopes of mount Meru in Ngarenanyuki ward, Meru district in Arusha Region-65 kilometres away from Arusha City.
Kisimiri Secondary School began on May 2002 with only forty students under Education coordinator Mr. A. Meena. At this humble beginning, the school teaching staff included the following Mr. Godlove Siara, Miss Eliakesia Mbise, Miss Neema and Nalaila Yona. Except for Mr. Godlove Siara, non had undergone a formal teaching training being only form six leavers.
It was only until 10th October 2002 that the government started allocating teachers to the school. Up to now the school has 32 government teachers.
Kisimiri secondary school is a fully registered government school and it is a Co-education school teaching science and arts subjects. It offers two combinations which are HKL (History, Kiswahili and English Language) and PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Advanced Mathematics) for form five and six. The school consists of both day and boarding scholars; all of them have one study cycle from morning up to afternoon. All A ‘level students are boarding Scholars.
The school has cherished under a good leadership of Mr. Valentine Tarimo who is the fourth Headmaster of this school preceded by Mr. Emmanuel John Kisongo, Mr. Martin Raphael Hari and Mr. Togolan Stanley Mbwambo.
You are all welcome at Kisimiri secondary school. The home of talents
Kisimiri Secondary School Contacts
- School Address
- P.O Box 14480
- Arusha,
- Tanzania
- Email:
- Website :
Phone Numbers
- Head of School: +255-754-928973
- Second Master: +255-757-270772
Academic Office:
- +255-767-635064
- +255-763-382393
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