Center Heads (Operations) Job Vacancy

by Udahiliportal Editor 01

Center Heads (Operations) Job Vacancy At Africa Healthcare Network


Africa Healthcare Network Tanzania (AHN) is looking for a flexible, passionate, highly-motivated, and proactive individual who is willing to learn and grow in a fast-paced environment to work in two of its Dialysis centers in Hyadom, Manyara Region & ; Mwanza Region. The Center Head (Operations Coordinator) will be responsible for managing all aspects of the day-to-day operations in the dialysis centers, from team management to administrative responsibilities with the ultimate goal of ensuring the best possible patient care and outcomes.

Key requirements for the role are as follows:

  • Minimum Bachelor degree in Business Administration/ Public Administration or equivalent is preferred Current practicing license (if a registered medical personnel).
  • More than 3 years of work experience in the private or public sector, with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership.
  • Ability to work independently and effectively in a high-pressured, fast-paced environment.
  • The candidate must be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously with minimal supervision; set priorities, delegate, and work independently.
  • Experience planning and executing programs or projects with verifiable results Ability to mentor and lead teams for strong consistent performance.
  • Exceptional communication, analytical and problem-solving skills Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
  • Strong work ethic and flexibility.

E X P R E S S I O N S O F I N T E R E S T A N D C V C A N B E S E N T T O :

H R @ A F R I C A H E A L T H C A R E N E T W O R K . C O M

W I T H “ C E N T E R H E A D – H Y A D O M / M W A N Z A ” I N T H E S U B J E C T B A R
D E A D L I N E F O R R E C E I V I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S : 8 T H O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3

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