Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange

by udahiliportal.com

About Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange


To be a sustainable securities exchange that is an engine of economic growth for Tanzania.


To provide a responsive securities exchange that promotes economic empowerment and contributes to the country’s economic development through offering a range of attractive and cost-effective products and services.

Central Depository System

The Central Depository System (CDS) of the DSE acts like a bank for securities where various securities are deposited in safe custody to facilitate deliveries for DSE trades. By depositing securities into the CDS, the delivery of the securities in settlement of DSE trades can be achieved by electronic book entries instead of physically exchanging certificates (scrip). The securities deposited into the CDS may be pledged against a bank loan.

Trading System

Trading is conducted through an Automated Trading System (ATS). This is an electronic system which matches bids and offers using an electronic matching engine. The ATS is integrated with the CDS to facilitate automated validation of securities holdings and straight through processing of securities transactions.

Incentives to Issuers

(i) Reduced corporation tax from 30% to 25% for three successive years subsequent to listing of a company that have issued at least 25% of its shares to the public.

(ii) Tax deductibility of all Initial Public Offering (IPO) costs for the purposes of income tax determination. All IPO costs are accepted by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) as acceptable expenses used in the generation of income and profits, and therefore are taken into consideration when determining profit for tax purposes.

Incentives to Investors

(i) Zero capital gain tax as opposed to 10% for unlisted companies.

(ii) Zero stamp duty on transactions executed at the DSE compared to 6% for unlisted companies.

(iii) Withholding tax of 5% on dividend income as opposed to 10% for unlisted companies.

(iv) Zero withholding tax on interest income from listed bonds whose maturities are three years and above.

Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange Location and Contact Information

  • Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange,
  • 3 rd Floor, NHC Corporate Office, Kambarage House,
  • 6 Ufukoni Street,
  • P. O. Box 70081, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Tel: 255 22 2123983, 2128522
  • For Complains, WhatsApp: 0747 536 696 Email: complains@dse.co.tz
  • Fax: +255 22 213384
  • Email: info@dse.co.tz
  • Website: http://www.dse.co.tz

Vacancies and Internships at Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange – Nafasi za Kazi Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange

Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange job vacancies are normally advertised through the Official Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange jobs portal which can be accessed through this link-. https://jobs.dse.co.tz/

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