Call for Application
The General Public is hereby informed that, the Kemitraan Negara Bekembang (KNB), offers scholarship opportunity to Tanzanian to studydifferent programme in various University in Indonesia.
Mode of Application
All interested candidates should apply through an online application found in the following link: .
Furthermore, information visit the following links: file:///E:/KNB_Application_Guidelines_2019.pdfand
Other require documents
Recommendation letter is issued by the Embassy and is mandatory; it can be required by submitting the required documents (invitation letter, Passport or birth certificate, academic certificates and academic transcript) to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia or via email:
The online application should be completed no later than April 12th, 2019
Issued by:
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology,
University of Dodoma,
College of Business and Law,
Block 10,
P .O. Box 10,
40479 Dodoma.