Kondoa Town Council (MC)

by Udahiliportal_04

About Kondoa Town Council (MC)

Location and physical features

Kondoa Town is located in the North of Dodoma region for a distance of 160 km from the capital town, Dodoma. The Council was established with effect from 2015 July vide a certificate of establishment under the terms of the provisions of sections 8 & 9 of the Local Government ( Town Authorities) Act 8, 1982. The Town lies between latitude 40 12” to 5º 38, 5” south, and longitude 350 6” to 360 2” east. Much of the Town is plateau rising gradually from 900m above sea level to 2,190m above sea level. In the North, the Town borders with Kondoa District Council and Chemba District in the South.

 Area and Administrative units

The  Town has an area of 936.16 sq. Km Administrative units of Kondoa  Town contains of  2 (with two wards)  divisions, 8 wards, 25 villages and 11 mitaa. From 1st July 2000 there is establishment of Kondoa Township which known, as Kondoa Township Authority this authority shall have a freedom of deciding and implements all development activities. Kondoa Township authority had 8 wards, 16 villages and 11 mitaa in 2 divisions. From 1st July 2015 was established as Kondoa  Town. It has 8 wards,  25 villages and 11 mitaa in 2 divisions namely Kondoa Mjini and Kolo with 2 wards of Bolisa and Kolo.

 Climate and Rainfall pattern:

Kondoa Town Council is part of semi arid area of the central plateau of Tanzania with an average rainfall of between 500 – 1000mm. About 85% of the annual rainfall, falls between December and March with a dry spell on February. The rainfall patterns in the District are unevenly distributed. The mean District average temperature ranges between 160C -260C. Mean annual relative humidity is 67% with more or less annual sunshine of 7 hours per day.

Kondoa Town Council (MC) Contact Information

  • Postal Address: S.L.P 711
  • Telephone: +255 712264912
  • Mobile: +255 712264912
  • Email: td@kondoatc.go.tz

Vacancies and Internships at Kondoa Town Council – Nafasi za Kazi Halmashauri Mji wa Kondoa

Kondoa Town Council (MC) job vacancies are normally advertised through the Kondoa MC Official website which can be accessed through this link:  http://kondoatc.go.tz/

 Also, Government jobs in Kondoa Town Council are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link- https://ajira.go.tz/.

Find and apply for various Companies, Government Institutions, and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Job Vacancies advertised in Kondoa Town Council by browsing through the links listed below

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Important Note: The information on this page will continue to be updated as new opportunities are announced by the respective authority. If you can’t find the opportunities you are looking for, Please visit the official authority website for more opportunities.

Kondoa Town Council Useful links

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