Simiyu Region

by Udahiliportal_04

About Simiyu Region

Simiyu Region is one of Tanzania’s 31 administrative regions. The regional capital is the town of Bariadi. The region was created in March 2012, from part of Shinyanga Region.
According to the 2012 national census, the region had a population of 1,584,157. For 2002-2012, the region’s 1.8 percent average annual population growth rate was the twenty-third-highest in the country. It was also the fifteenth-most-densely-populated region with 63 people per square kilometer.
The region is administratively divided into five districts:

Simiyu Region experiences moderate and salubrious temperatures averagely ranging from 180C to 310C annually. However, the Region enjoys also mono-modal rainfall which usually starts from October and ends in May. The rainfall season is divided into two peaks one starting in October and end in December and another starting from February to Mid May which is the longest season. In general rainfall pattern is unequal and unpredictable whereas average rainfall ranges from 600 mm to 900 mm.

The Topography of the region is characterized of flat, gently undulating plains and lowly sparsely vegetation and in some places covered with Miombo woodland. The Regional soils are dominated by heavy black soils (Mbuga) with area of red loamy and sandy soil.

Simiyu Region Contact Information

  • S. L. P. 4, BARIADI.,Bariadi – Somanda
  • Telephone: 028-2700011/2700054
  • Mobile: 028-2700011/2700054
  • Fax: 028-2700168
  • Email:

Vacancies and Internships at Simiyu – Nafasi za Kazi Mkoa wa Simiyu

Simiyu Region job vacancies are normally advertised through the Simiyu Official website which can be accessed through this link :

 Also, Government jobs in Simiyu region are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link-

 Find and apply for various Companies, Government Institutions and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Job Vacancies advertised in Simiyu region by browsing through the links listed below

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