Songwe Region

by Udahiliportal_04

About Songwe Region

Songwe is formed from Mbeya region, after the 4th phase of government former President of the United Republic of Tanzania Dr. Jakaya M. Kikwete announced to commence the process of establishing new region and districts on 18th October, 2015. Thereafter his successor President Dr. Jonh Magufuli announced the establishment of Songwe region on the Government Gazette (GN) No. 461 of 29th January, 2016. Likewise southern highland regions, Songwe is placed at 7o and 9o 36’ latitudes south of equator and 32o and 33o 41’ east of Greenwich meridian. On the south it is bordering Malawi and Zambia, Rukwa and Katavi regions on the west, Tabora on the North and Mbeya region on the east. Lake Rukwa in the west is the large water body in the region. Tunduma makes gateway to Zambia and other southern and central African countries while Isongole makes a gateway to Malawi.

Songwe region has an area of approximately 27,598.9 km2. It is typical tropical zone with elongated foot of both west and northern arms of rift valley running from north of Lake Nyasa. On the bottom of rift valley, people experiencing hot season from early September to late April and cool season from May to late August. The highest temperatures reach 25o C in lowland around Lake Rukwa, Songwe and Momba and 16o C in uplands of Mbozi, Tunduma and Ileje.

The projected population of Songwe by 2016 stands at 1,125,520 of which male are 539,624 and female are 585,896. The most populated part is rural areas with about 79 percent. Annual population growth is 3.2 and 46 percent of the population aged below 15 years while 3 percent are above 65 years. The dominant ethnic groups are Nyiha, Nyamwanga, Bungu and Ndali.

Majority of the population are involved in agriculture, livestock keeping and fishing. The minorities are businessmen and pastoralist from Sukuma and Maasai land with even circulated to the economy of the region. Crops cultivated are paddy, maize, coffee, simsim, sunflowers, beans and sorghum.

Songwe Region Contact Information

  • Postal Address: P.O.BOX 23 SONGWE
  • Telephone: 025 2580305
  • Mobile: 025 2580305
  • Email:

Vacancies and Internships at Songwe – Nafasi za Kazi Mkoa wa Songwe

Songwe Region job vacancies are normally advertised through the Songwe Official website which can be accessed through this link :

 Also, Government jobs in Songwe region are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link-

 Find and apply for various Companies, Government Institutions and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Job Vacancies advertised in Songwe region by browsing through the links listed below

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