Table of Contents
About Sumbawanga District Council (DC)
Sumbawanga District l was established in 1984 under local government Act No. 7 of 1982. In Jan, 2010 the government of Tanzania showed the intention of establishing a new Council that emanated from Sumbawanga District Council. The council that came from Sumbawanga District is known as Kalambo District Council which was later certified in Jan, 2013. Currently, the District has two councils namely Sumbawanga District Council and Sumbawanga Municipal Council.
The District Commissioner’s office is located in Sumbawanga Municipality at Bomani area, the District Council has 2 Constituencies of Kwela and Municipal. The District is headed by the District Commissioner.
Sumbawanga District is one of the three (3) districts of Rukwa, Region. It is situated in the South-west highlands of Tanzania on Latitude 7.8 and 9 South, Longitude 31 and 32.3 to the East. The District Borders Zambia in the South, Mbeya Region (Mbozi District) in the South-east. It Borders Lake Tanganyika in the South-west, and Nkasi District to the North
The area of the council is 13,586 square kilometers, which covers almost 17% of the total area of the Region. Out of 13,586Sq. Kilometers, 12,414Sq. Kilometers are land area while 1,172Sq. Kilometers are water. The District has seven (7) Divisions, 23 Wards, and 167 Villages of which 161 are Registered and 76 Surveyed. According to the 1988 Census the District had a population of 240,351 of which 117,195 were males and 123,156 females. Preliminary 2002 Census’ results indicate that the district has a population of about 373,080 of which 182,312 are males and 190,768 females
Sumbawanga District Council enjoys favorable climatic conditions. It has average rainfall, which varies from 800 to 1200mm, with average altitude of about 1700 metres above the seal level. Rains in the District are more reliable falling mostly in one rain season from November to April. Soil fertility also is suitable for the growth of a wide range of crops.
The mean annual maximum temperature is between 24 0 C and 27 0 C and the minimum temperature is 13 0 C. – 16 0 C
The 1988 Census indicated that Sumbawanga District had a population of 240,351 of which males were 117,195 and 123,156 females. The 2002 Population and housing census results indicate that the district has a population of about 373,080 of which 182,312 are males and 190,768 are females
Vegetation, Topography And Agro-Economic Zones:
Sumbawanga District lies within the Western branch of the East African Rift Valley, its salient features are
Water Bodies :
To the south-west there is Lake Tanganyika with a surface water level of 770m above sea level; up tends to 500m above sea level, making it the second deepest lake in the World. Lake Rukwa is located to the South –east with shallow inactive, saline water
The lake is 810m above sea level. In the 19 th century it dried up three times
Sumbawanga District Council (DC) Contact Information
- Postal Address: P.O.BOX 229
- Telephone: 025-2802133
- Mobile: 255755023952
- Email:
Vacancies and Internships at Sumbawanga District Council – Nafasi za Kazi Halmashauri Wilaya ya Sumbawanga
Sumbawanga District Council (DC) job vacancies are normally advertised through the Sumbawanga DC Official website which can be accessed through this link:
Also, Government jobs in Sumbawanga district Council are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link-
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Sumbawanga District Council Useful links
- Sumbawanga Sumbawanga District Council website:
- Sumbawanga job District Council vacancies – careers page: