National Institute for Productivity

by Udahiliportal Editor 03

About National Institute for Productivity

National Institute for Productivity (NIP) is the only productivity institution in the country for promoting productivity improvement and spreading productivity consciousness; improving performance, efficiency and effectiveness of work through consultancy, research and training; and improving management skills and know how.

National Institute for Productivity Location and Contact Information

Nyumba ya Maarifa, Ohio Street
P.O. Box 2021 Dar es Salaam – Tanzania

Tel: +255 22 212698, +255 22 2125951
Mob: +255 769 291905
Fax: +255 22 2128619

Vacancies and Internships at National Institute for Productivity – Nafasi za Kazi National Institute for Productivity

Government institution job vacancies are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link-

Find and apply for jobs advertised by National Institute for Productivity by browsing the links listed below:


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