Nyanzaga gold mine jobs: Find and Apply for Latest Jobs in Tanzania
Here is a collection of blog posts and guides on Nyanzaga gold mine jobs. You will find anything from Nyanzaga gold mine jobs to helpful content in Your Job Search – Nyanzaga gold mine jobs Tanzania.
Nyanzaga Gold Project
The Nyanzaga Gold Project (Nyanzaga or Project) is an advanced development project in the Archaean Greenstones of the Lake Victoria Goldfields of northwest Tanzania. Nyanzaga is situated, approximately 60km southwest of the city of Mwanza, 60km east of the Geita Gold Mine (AngloGold Ashanti) and 30km northeast of the Bulyanhulu Gold Mine (Barrick Gold).
The Project comprises the Special Mining Licence (SML) which covers 23.4km2 and encompasses the Nyanzaga and Kilimani deposits and other exploration prospects. In accordance with the Tanzanian Mining Act, the Government of Tanzania holds a 16% free-carried interest in Sotta Mining Corporation Limited, a subsidiary of OreCorp Limited and the holder of the SML. There are also a number of prospecting licences and applications surrounding the SML.
Access Nyanzaga gold mine jobs here; Sotta Mining Corporation Ltd