Office Depot Ltd


About Office Depot Ltd

Office Depot Limited was established in 2003 as a premier IT hardware dealership. Today, ODL is an award-winning comprehensive information and communications technology solutions provider.

We help individuals and organizations of all sizes build substainable IT assets, provide site and product management services, and are known for stellar customer care.

Our Vision
We envision a technologically driven global economy that connects enterprise across borders to bring people and sustainable causes together.

Our Mission
To provide timely, affordable and sustainable technology solutions and services of international standards to our customers.

Office Depot Ltd Location and Contact Information

  • Office Depot Limited
  • Ground Floor, Raha Towers
  • Bibi Titi Mohamed Rd.
  • Mobile: +255 682 730 020

Vacancies and Internships at Office Depot Ltd – Nafasi za Kazi Office Depot Ltd

Office Depot Ltd job vacancies are normally advertised through the Official Office Depot Ltd jobs portal which can be accessed through this link-.

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