SEQUIP-Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP)

SEQUIP-Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP)

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and President’s Office –Regional Administration Local Government (PO-RALG) in collaboration with the World Bank is preparing a five years program for secondary education improvement, “Secondary Education Quality Improvement Program (SEQUIP)”. This program will provide financial support to increase access to secondary education across the country and in its 184 Councils. The Program’s objective is to increase access to secondary education, provide responsive learning environments for girls and improve completion of quality secondary education for girls and boys.

The implementing Government Agencies are Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG). Both Ministries are responsible for implementation of school-level education activities through the Local Government Authority (LGA). One of the key components to be implemented through SEQUIP is facilitating access to secondary schools and bringing schools closer to communities. The project plans to support construction of 1000 new schools and rehabilitation of additional facilities at existing secondary schools. A need and evidence-based approach will be used in identification and selecting locations and schools that will benefit.

The Implementing Government Agencies (MoEST and PO-RALG), have prepared five Environmental and Social Safeguard instruments which will guide implementation of SEQUIP, in alignment with the 2018 World Bank Environmental and Social Framework. The instruments include:-

  1. Vulnerable Group Planning Framework,
  2. Stakeholders’ Engagement Plan,
  3. Resettlement Action Plan,
  4. Environmental and Social Management Framework and
  5. Environmental and Social Commitment Plan.

The five instruments identify how risks will be mitigated and prevented, during project implementation. The instruments will be uploaded in the website for stakeholders’ consultation.

For further enquires contact: Tabitha Etutu (MoEST) or Tulinagwe Ngonile (PO-RALG) .

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