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Secretary General, OR PMO-RALG Prof. Shemdoe announces Education and Health Jobs Mr. Hosseah, OR-TAMISEMI Secretary General Prof. Riziki Shemdoe has announced 6,749 Education jobs for Primary and Secondary schools and 2,726 Health Professionals.
Giving the statement in Dodoma earlier today Prof. Shemdoe said the number of applicants for the teaching cadre was 99,583 and the 37,437 health cadre experts, including 1,099 people with disabilities, applied for the positions.
“After completing all application process procedures, 6,949 teachers (3,949 primary schools and 3000 secondary schools) and 2,726 health cadre experts have been assigned to work centers,” he said. Shemdoe
He mentioned the criteria used to find qualified qualifications that include the year of graduation of the college where applicants who graduated earlier (2012 to 2019) according to the requirements in the relevant cadre have been given priority.
In addition, the age of the applicant has been considered by giving priority to applicants over the age of 40 who have completed the initial years as specified in the previous priority.
“The reason is that if they are not hired early until they reach the age of 45 where they will not be able to be re-employed in the Government for permanent conditional employment” said Prof. Shemdoe.
Applicants who are bound by the pre-specified qualifications, ie the year of graduation and age, will also be given priority to the girl / woman, without affecting the 50% ratio,
Similarly, Prof Shemdoe noted that if the applicants are tied to the qualifications for the Year of Graduation, Age and How then he has been given priority by the older person by looking at the date of birth
Citing challenges encountered during the analysis and causing some applicants to lose credentials, he said, including applicants missing correctly all the required attachments in accordance with the job advertisement, applicants not following the instructions of the employment application system, inconsistencies in the applicant’s information in the system job applications and information contained in the appendices as well as Applicants to write inaccurate information about the subjects he is applying to teach and contained in training certificates or results certificates.
Prof. Shemdoe has also used the opportunity to instruct new employees that they should report to the Directors and work at their designated facilities and not at the Council Headquarters.
“A new employee who takes a subsistence allowance and later does not report to his or her designated workplace will be subject to appropriate action in accordance with the law and procedures,” he said.
He added that new employees will not be transferred to their designated workplaces for a period of (3) years and
they are required to report to the designated centers within 14 days from July 1 to 14, 2021 and those who do not report by then will have lost their seats and will be filled by other qualified applicants in the Database of the Office of the President – PMO-RALG.Prof. Shemdoe has asked new recruits to report to their workplaces with real Form Four and Six Certificates, Real Professional Graduate Certificates in the relevant cadre, National Identity Card or NIDA ID number as well as
(Actual birth certificate.He also asked the Directors of the Councils that have been appointed to recruit new staff and enable them to comply with the rules, regulations, procedures and guidelines of the Public Service and later to report their report to the Office of the President PMO-RALG.
“Directors of Local Government Authorities are instructed to complete recruitment procedures as soon as possible so that new employees can be included in the Payroll system as soon as possible,” he said. Shemdoe.
The full list of newly recruited Health professionals for 2021
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