THE government launched its e-portal, an online gateway to all government information and services.
The portal, Government Communications Network-GovNet, is expected to be the central place to perform online transactions with the government, to obtain information on how and where to access government services.
While speaking during the launch at Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Square here, yesterday, Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa noted that the new system would enable the government to monitor all revenue collections in all of its institutions and agencies.
“The system is transparent and efficient, hence eliminates any hierarchical bureaucratic structure in provision of services,” said the Premier at the launch which coincided with the climax of Public Service Week.
The project worth 100 million US dollars is led by the President’s Office (Public Service Management and Good Governance) through technology and it is executed by e- Government Agency (eGA) under the World Bank funded Regional Communications Infrastructure Programme (RCIP).
According to Minister in the President’s Office (Public Service Management and Good Governance), Capt (rtd) George Mkuchika, GovNet which is working through the National ICT Communication Broadband Backbone was vital to facilitate provision of various services.
He pointed out among services under GovNet as Government e-Payment Gateway (GePG), Birth and Death Registration System, Telemedicine, National e-Procurement System and e-Office.
“So far, 32 public institutions have been connected with e-Office to facilitate operations,” he observed. Mr Mkuchika added that the government has set up Mobile Platform through e-Government Agency to provide a number of services through mobile phones, thus to enhance the level of efficiency in services provision.
He mentioned some of the public institutions which have already started to use the Mobile Platform as Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASA) and Energy and Water Utilities Authority (EWURA).
Deputy Minister for Works, Transport and Communications, Eng Atashasta Nditiye, said the GovNet would play a key role in linking the government and ‘wananchi’ to facilitate service provision.
“The system has improved and enhanced efficiency of provision of services to the people,” said Eng Nditiye.
World Bank (WB) Operations Analyst, Ms Justina Kajange, commended the government for setting up GovNet, noting that RCIP has registered great achievements contributing to a significant increase in the number of people online and development of new digital services.
She informed that plans were also underway for WB to support Tanzania’s industrialisation agenda through interventions to increase access to affordable, high quality internet services for the government, business and citizens.
“This will help to improve the government’s capacity to deliver digital public service and every citizen to be able to go online to access services, information and a world of opportunities,” said Ms Kajange.
She explained that the programme would expand rural mobile coverage to 3 million people not covered by signal and upgrading 2G service to 3G or higher in rural areas to enable connection to internet.
“The programme will improve communications, service delivery and efficiency across central and local government,” said the senior official from WB