The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences – Bugando (CUHAS-BUGANDO) is located at Bugando Hill, within the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) premises in Mwanza. Our core business is training, research and consultancy services. Train health professionals in the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing and Public Health through our Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and PhD programmes. Include local and international/foreign students from all walks of life.
The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences admission news and updates
- Cuhas login
- Cuhas online application
- Cuhas bugando results
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- Cuhas online application system
- Cuhas diploma courses
- Bugando university courses
- Cuhas fee structure
- Cuhas almanac
- Cuhas
- Arusha Technical College- ATC
- Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA)
- The Institute Of Accountancy Arusha (IAA)
- The Open University of Tanzania (OUT)
- The Institute Of Finance Management (IFM)
- St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)
- Tanzania Universities
- Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
- Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT)
- Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA)
- St. Augustine University of Tanzania SAUT Second round Selection 2018/ 2019
- St. Augustine University of Tanzania SAUT Selection 2018/ 2019
- Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP)
- The University of Dodoma (UDOM)