Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) Admissions information for 2023/ 2024 academic year
Admission updates 2023/24
- Information for applicants Master Degree Programmes 2023_2024
- Reference Form For Joining Post Graduates Programmes
- Application Form For Master Degree Programmes 2023/2024
Additional Admissions information
Ordinary Diploma Programmes offered
(i) Ordinary Diploma in Civil Engineering
(ii) Ordinary Diploma in Computer Engineering
(iii) Ordinary Diploma in Electrical Engineering
(iv) Ordinary Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering
(v) Ordinary Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
(vi) Ordinary Diploma in Mining Engineering
(vii) Ordinary Diploma in Science & Laboratory Technology
(viii) Ordinary Diploma in Biomedical Equipment Engineering
(ix) Ordinary Diploma in Information Technology
(x) Ordinary Diploma in Multimedia and Film Technology
(xi) Ordinary Diploma in Communication Systems Technology
(xii) Ordinary Diploma in Renewable Energy Technology
(xiii) Ordinary Diploma in Food Science and Technology
Minimum Entry Qualifications for Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 4-6 Programmes)
Candidates may join the Ordinary Diploma (NTA LEVEL 4-6) programmes offered by DIT through the Direct Entry Scheme, the Indirect Entry Scheme (or the Pre Entry Course channel).
Direct Entry Scheme
In order to qualify for admission under the Direct scheme, a candidate must be a holder of a good Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) with a minimum pass of �C� grade (or 9 points based in the following conversion A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4 for applicants who completed Form IV before 2013) and (A=1, B+=2, B=3 C=4, D=5 for applicants who completed Form IV in 2013 to date) in three of the following subjects; Physics/Engineering Science, Mathematics and Chemistry/English or a good General Certificate in Engineering (GCE).
For admission into the NTA LEVEL 4-6 in Laboratory Technology, Biomedical Equipment Engineering and Food Science and Technology applicants must have passed chemistry and Biology in addition to the above requirement.
Indirect Entry Scheme
Pre – Ordinary Diploma Entry Courses (for NTA LEVEL 4-6 Programmes
This is a 12 week course with the following objectives:
(i) To provide access to technical and higher education for candidates who were not considered for direct entry.
(ii) To improve candidate’s competence in the field of engineering by bridging their respective gaps.
(iii) To enable more number of Tanzanians to gain access to Ordinary Diploma and Degree training programmes at the Institute.
(iv) To redress Gender imbalance for DIT enrolment.
(v) To diversify enrolments by widening catchments areas
(vi) To increase competitiveness in accessing engineering education at DIT
There are two categories of candidates that are admitted through this route.
(i) Pre – Ordinary Diploma Entry Courses for Female Candidates
The objective of this programme is to improve gender balance amongst the DIT students by assisting potential female candidates who do not qualify under the Direct Entry Scheme (scored below the prevailing cut-off point) to qualify for admission. Under this programme, a female candidate is required to follow and successfully complete a 12 weeks -upgrading course. The subjects covered in the course include Mathematics, Physical Science, Communication Skills and Computer Applications. Upon successful completion, (passing in all the prescribed Subjects), a female candidate will qualify for the Government sponsorship, subject to availability of vacancies.
(ii) Pre – Ordinary Diploma (NTA LEVEL 4-6) Entry Programme for General Candidates
This scheme is similar to Pre -Ordinary Diploma (NTA LEVEL 4-6) Entry Course for female candidates described above but it is mainly aimed to private or third party sponsored students. Under this category, candidates who do not qualify under the Direct Entry be admitted after attending a twelve week upgrading course and obtaining pass marks in all the prescribed subjects at the end of course examination.
/>(i) A Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum of Grade in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or English.
(ii) A Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum of D grade Mathematics and Trade Test Certificate of at least Grade II or NVA Level II offered by VETA accredited Institution.
3.3 Bachelor Degree Programmes Offered
(i) Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering
(ii) Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering
(iii) Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering
(iv) Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
(v) Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering
(vi) Bachelor of Technology in Laboratory Sciences
3.3 Master Degree Programme offered
Minimum Entry Qualifications for B. Eng (NTA Level 7- 8) Programmes
Candidates can join the B. Eng (NTA Level 7- 8) programmes offered by DIT through either the Direct Entry Scheme or Access Course.
3.3.1 Direct Entry Scheme
(i) In order to qualify for admission to Bachelor Degree (NTA Level 7- 8) programmes, a candidate must possess; an Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) with minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.7 from a recognized institution accredited by NACTE.
(ii) In order to qualify for admission to Bachelor Degree (NTA Level 7- 8) programmes, a candidate must possess; good FTC certificate with an average of minimum pass of C grade or an average of 3 points based on the following conversion scale: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2 in the respective field or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
(iii) Holders of Ordinary Diploma or Full Technician Certificate (FTC) with Water Resources Engineering or its equivalent must have studied Mathematics, Engineering Surveying, Construction Technology, Quantity Estimates and Soil Mechanics.
Selected candidates will be required to undergo a three years programme
(iv) Holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSEE) in the combination of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) or Physics, Geography and Mathematics (PGM) with Principal Pass in Mathematics and Physics from the same sitting with a total of not less than 2.5 points based on the following conversion scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, S = 0.5, F= 0. Selected candidates will be required to undergo a four year programme.
(v)Candidates with Ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) Full Technician Certificate (FTC) who meet criteria (i) and (ii) above wishing to change field of study.
Selected candidates will be required to undergo a four years programme.
3.5 Procedures for Application and Admission
3.5.1 Direct Entry Scheme
(i) All eligible applicants for Bachelor Degree programmes should apply through the Centralized Admission System (CAS) coordinated collaboratively by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) (as will be communicated by TCU and NACTE). More information about the modality of application will be found on TCU website www.tcu.go.tz
(ii) (ii) All eligible applicants for Ordinary Diploma and applicants applying for readmission at different levels are required to submit their applications according to application modality which will be announced through application advertisements, DIT website www.dit.ac.tz and notice boards
(iii) (iii) All applications must be accompanied by an original pay in slip of non-refundable application fee of Tsh 20,000/= for Tanzanian applicants or USD20 for Non-Tanzanian applicants payable to the Principal, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology through any branch of CRDB Bank, Account No 0150408417800.Certified copies of certificates such as, A� level certificate O, level certificate orvalid results slip, a good General Certificate of Engineering (GCE), birth certificate and a coloured passport size personal photograph taken within the last six months
(iv) (iv) All interested candidates are required to submit their applications within the announced deadline
(v) (v) All applications with all necessary requirements/certificates are scrutinized and ranked according to the performance in terms of qualifications, then are processed by different boards and finally selected applicants are notified
(vi) (vi) Non disclosure of details or provision of false information to any of the sections in the application requirements if discovered shall render the candidate�s registration with the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology cancelled
3.5.2 Pre entry Course Scheme
(i) Dates for Pre- entry Courses are advertised in local newspapers. Tentatively, this Course starts within the month of July of each calendar year.
(ii) Candidates are required to submit their application forms, attaching copies of relevant certificates i.e. Certificate of Secondary School Education (CSSE), Advanced Certificate of Secondary School (ACSSE) and birth certificates
(iii) All candidates selected for the Pre – entry courses are required to pay prescribed tuition fee before they can be allowed to attend classes. For the Pre-entry female candidates, the Institute contributes a certain portion of the prescribed tuition fee as described in the Advertisement of the respective courses.
(iv) At the end of the course, the candidates shall sit for a qualifying examinations. All candidates who pass all subjects are recommended for admission subject to available chances.
• Qualifying female candidates for ordinary Diploma may obtain Government sponsorship or loan, subject to availability of chances.
• Other candidates are offered admission as private or third party sponsored students.
Admission Requirements and procedures for Master of Engineering in Maintenance Management Programme
Minimum entry requirement
(i) Applicant must be holders of Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Civil or Electrical with GPA of at least 3.0 of the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology or its equivalent from any other accredited higher learning Institutions OR
(ii) Candidates with a Bachelor Degree in Civil or Electrical or equivalent and at least 2.7 GPA may be considered if they have an evidence of not less than 3 years working experience after graduating OR.
(iii) Holders of Advanced Diploma in Civil or Electrical Engineering or equivalent from any other accredited higher learning Institutions with a PASS and minimum of five years experience can also be considered
Procedures for application
Applicants are required to download, print and fill the application forms (DIT/PS/APPL/01 and DIT/PS/APPL/02) and mail them by the address indicated in the form. The duly filled in application must be accompanied with non-refundable application fee of Tshs 30,000/= for Tanzanian applicants or USD 30 for non-Tanzanian applicants payable to the Principal, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology through any branch of NBC LTD Bank, account No 011103005389 The form must also be accompanied with certified copies of academic, birth certificates and transcripts as well as two coloured passport size photographs taken within the last six months. Applicants who graduated in non Tanzanian higher learning Institutions their academic certificates should be certified by TCU. Application forms and detailed information can be downloaded from the DIT website (www.dit.ac.tz)
3.6 Other Important Information Related to Admission
3.6.1 Registration
All selected candidates are required to register after they have paid registration fee within the first two weeks after arrival at the Institute. Specifically, the deadline for registration of first year students is two weeks from the first day of the orientation week, while for continuing students it is the Friday of the second week after the beginning of the First Semester session.
3.6.2 Institute Regulations
Upon admission, all freshers must obtain and read thoroughly the following regulations:
(i) Conditions for Government sponsorship (in case of government sponsored students)
(ii) Students General Welfare, Conduct and Disciplinary Regulations
(iii) Examination Regulations
(iv) The Constitution of the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology Students Organization (DITSO).
(v) Industrial Practical Training (IPT) Regulations
(vi) Library Regulations
(vii) All admitted students are expected to comply entirely with institute regulations.
(viii) Any other regulations issued by the Institute from time to time.
3.6.3 During registration every student must produce the following documents:
(i) Joining Instructions sent to him/her
(ii) A duly filled acceptance form to abide by the Institute Rules and Regulations
(iii) A duly filled medical examination form
(iv) All the original receipts / pay in slips of the money paid to the Institute through the Bank
(v) Original certificates, academic transcripts, statement of results etc for (B.Eng, mature age and Pre entry course entrants)
(vi) A birth certificate/affidavit
(vii) 2 passport size and 4 stamp size photographs recently taken
(viii) All foreign students are required to apply for residence permit from their nearest Tanzania Embassy before they depart for Tanzania.