Find full details about : hesfb application form 2019/2020 , student loan scheme application form 2019/2020, students loan scheme 2019/2020, student loan scheme 2019/2020, hesfb courses, hesfb courses 2019/2020, hesfb courses pdf, application form
The Higher Education Students Financing Board (HESFB)
The Higher Education Students Financing Board (HESFB) was established by an Act of Parliament to administer the Students’ Loan Scheme. The Board has received funds from the Government of Uganda to be used for financing Ugandan Students who are pursuing studies in Higher Education Institutions in Uganda.
The objectives of the Students’ Financing Scheme are: – (1) to increase equitable access to Higher Education in Uganda; (2) to support highly qualified students who may not afford Higher Education; (3) to ensure regional balance in Higher Education services in Uganda; (4) to create a revolving fund.
External Advert:: Call For Loan Applications and Application Form for the Academic Year 2019/20
The Higher Education Students’ Financing Board (HESFB) is privileged to announce the call for the Students’ Loan Applications 2019/2020. Please Download the full advert and the 2019/2020 Loan Application form for details…
Online Application:
All eligible applicants are highly encouraged to register and apply online for the Higher Education Students’ Financing Loans using the Higher Education Students’ Financing Board’s website. Applications shall be online on our website, and can be accessed on Apply Now button . You can also use URL:, to register and apply for the student loan ONLINE.
Applicants using this window are required to print off 3 pages of the Application form, collect the required recommendation signatures, and attach all the mentioned documents in the Loan application form including the original Bank pay-in-slip, then submit their application to any nearest Centenary Bank Branch.
Offline Application:
Eligible applicants should get hard copy of the application form from the participating Universities at the office of the Academic Registrar; or from any Centenary Bank Branch across the country or download a copy from the HESFB official website. An applicant should fill the form accurately and collect the required recommendation signatures, and attach all the mentioned documents in the Loan application form including the original Bank pay-in-slip, then submit their application to any nearest Centenary Bank Branch.
HESFB Loan application process 2019/2020
Additional Information On this Topic:
- UGANDA | HESFB Higher Education Students’ Financing Board News & Updates [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Admitted Universities/Institutions [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Admitted Programmes/Courses [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Guidelines for Offline applicants [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Guidelines for online applicants [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB 2018/19 Approved HEIs and Courses [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Loan application process VIA Integrated Loan Management Information System (ILMIS) [ 2019/2020 ]
- HESFB Loan application [ 2019/2020 ]