KNEC KCPE Registration 2023 Online in Kenya, KNEC Login Portal Guidelines


KNEC KCPE Registration 2023 Online

The KNEC KCPE Registration 2018 online in Kenya is usually done from the Kenya National Examinations Council – KNEC website:


Below is a guide on how to go about the KNEC KCPE Registration 2023; The Headmaster or the authorized person will follow these four steps;

  1. Visit the KNEC website
  2. Download the application form for the candidates’ registration
  3. Fill in the candidate’s details to create the registration file
  4. Login into the KNEC website and:
    1. Upload the registration file
    2. Enter new candidate
    3. Edit existing candidates
    4. Edit school details
    5. Generate and print nominal roll
    6. Generate and print school invoice

Note: The school administrators should know that this application is only available up to the last day of the Registration period.

How to Access the System for KNEC KCPE Registration 2023

  • First, you will need to have your username and password. The username is the school code. The code is now an 8-digit number. The county code has been added to the earlier 6-digit school code.
  • To obtain the password, send an SMS to 22262 with the format KCPE#centrecode e.g KCPE#12345678, you will then receive an 8-digit number which you shall use as the password to log in.
  • Enter your username and password
  • Click Log In
  • Upon successful login, you will be required to change your password as a security measure to ensure that only authorized persons can access your registration details. The form below will appear that will allow you to change your password.

NB: Appears only if accessing the system for the first time.

Changing Password for KNEC KCPE Registration 2023

  • Type in the 8-digit number sent to you via SMS as the default password in the text area labeled Current Password.
  • Enter (create) the new password (Can be any combination of letters or numbers) in the text area labeled New Password.
  • Confirm the new password (Please don’t copy-paste), by re-typing the password in the text area labeled Confirm Password.
  • Click Change Password to effect the changes
  • Click Continue to proceed to the upload – registration of candidates. PHOTOGRAPHS


How to upload Photographs for KNEC KCPE Registration 2023

For the candidates who will be required to upload photos, i.e. non-formal students, the following guidelines will help:

  1. It must be a passport photograph, should be colored, and must be taken using a digital camera.
  2. The photo should be taken on a cream or light grey background (the backgrounds should be plain, not flowered)
  3. Photo size should be 45mm high x 35mm wide
  4. Free from shadows.
  5. The photo should be taken with eyes open and visible (no sunglasses or spectacles)
  6. The candidate should be facing forward, looking straight at the camera.
  7. The Candidate should be having a neutral expression with the mouth closed (no grinning, frowning, or raised eyebrows)
  8. Each candidate should be on his/her own, with no group photos or objects like dummies or toys, or even other people being visible in the photos.
  9. The photo should be in sharp focus and clear with a strong definition between the face and background.
  10. The photo must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the candidate in a frontal view
  11. The photo should be recent (not more than six months old)
  12. The photos MUST be saved with the full index of the candidate and in JPG format i.e. the 11 digits e.g. 01101001001. jpeg.
  14. All photos should be taken in school uniform
  15. In addition to uploading the photos, all schools should submit the saved photographs to KNEC offices through their D.E.O in CD’s (each photo should be matched with the index numbers, not names, in JPG format).

How to upload photos for KNEC KCPE Registration 2023 Online

  1. Transfer candidates’ photos onto a computer
  2. Rename/save the photos with the candidate index number (no photo should be saved with the candidates’ names)
  3. Create a folder named your center code
  4. Copy all the candidate’s photos onto that folder
  5. Zip/compress the folder
    1. Right-click the folder with Photos
    2. Select Send to
    3. Click on the Compressed (zipped) folder
  6. Log on back to the KNEC website
  7. Click the upload button for candidate photos
  8. Enter your username and password
  9. From the TASKS drop-down list, select Upload Candidates Photos and click Continue
  10. Browse to the compressed photos folder, and click upload
  11. If successfully uploaded, a message will show on the application.


Confirmation of the KNEC KCPE Registration 2023

To confirm the KCPE registration go to the webpage


Tags: kcpe registration 2023, kcpe registration requirements, kcpe confirmation, knec ecde registration, knec registration confirmation knec registration 2023, kcpe registration 2023 deadline, kcse registration 2023

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