Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences MCHAS multiple selected applicants 2023/24

by Udahiliportal

MCHAS multiple selected applicants 2023/24 – MCHAS multiple selection/multiple admission 2023/2024 is the list of applicants who have been selected to join undergraduate studies at the Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS) and also have been selected to join other institutions for 2023/2024 academic year.

Therefore, to secure an admission at the Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences, Multiple selected applicants must immediately confirm their admission status using a special code from TCU (Sent by SMS).

In conformity with the newly introduced TCU admission procedure, all applicants were required to send their applications directly to a University/college thru online application system, regrettably the admission procedure has led to the situation where by some of the students appears to be selected with more than one university (Multiple admission), leaving them with admission choice dilemma.

Therefore, TCU has decided that all students who have been selected to more than one institution that they must confirm their admission choice to only one university so as to provide opportunity to other applicants who haven’t been selected to reapply for second or third round admission.

Applicants must understand that; Failure to confirm on time, their admission will be cancelled and their placement will be given to other qualified applicants.

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How to check MCHAS multiple selection for 2023/2024 academic year

Once MUCHAS online application process has been completed, the MCHAS multiple admission list and Single admission list for 2023/2024 academic year will be revealed to the public Via MCHAS website and Your number one education news platform Udahiliportal.com. Applicant can check MCHAS multiple admission status Via the following ways below.

MCHAS multiple selection thru MCHAS Online application system

Candidates applied for admission at Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS) in 2020/2021 academic year can simply check their multiple admission status via MCHAS online application portal using their credentials to login to their online application profiles (accounts) and check their admission status.

Check MCHAS multiple selection thru MCHAS website or Direct link

As the full list of approved students, students with multiple and single admission status will also be published on the Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS) official website, applicants can simply visit MCHAS website to access the full list of applicants with multiple admission.

Applicants can also check their Multiple admission status/selection via MCHAS multiple selection direct link here >> MCHAS applicants with multiple admission 2020/2021.

MCHAS multiple selection thru TCU website

Candidates applied for admission in 2023/2024 academic year can simply check their multiple admission status via TCU website link, as the full list of students with multiple and single admission status will be officially revealed on the TCU website, kindly follow the direct links below to check your admission status.

How to confirm MCHAS multiple admission.

In case you have multiple admission and you want to confirm your admission status at Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS), you will need a special code ( MCHAS confirmation code from TCU) that will be sent to you by SMS, for more details about how to get or request MCHAS confirmation code, troubleshooting MCHAS confirmation code issues and how to confirm your admission at MCHAS >> consider to check full details through this link.

See more news about applicants with multiple admissions – Confirmation codes and how to Confirm admission for Various Universities in Tanzania

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MCHAS Applicants with single admission – Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences selection 2023/24

If you have been selected at MCHAS with a single admission, it means that you have successful admitted to only one of the colleges you applied for (the Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS), so there is no need to confirm: what you need to do is to relax while waiting for further details from the Mbeya University College of Health and Allied Sciences (MCHAS). To check the list of single selected applicants (List of selected applicants) you can use this link here.

See more list of applicants with multiple admissions for Various Universities in Tanzania below

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