Admission into various Certificate and Diploma Programmes in Health and Related fields offered by Public and private health training institutions for the academic year 2022/2023) will be open soon for new applicants.
The applications will either be received at the Public Health Institutions which will admit the applicants through their Institutional Panel or the applicant can apply online through NACTE website ( ).
Entry Requirements for Admission into Health and Allied Sciences Programmes
For an applicant to be eligible for admission into Health and Allied Sciences (HAS), he/she must satisfy the minimum entry requirements of four passes in non-religious subjects in the Certificate of secondary education examination (CSEE). However, there are some programme requirements that are specific to certain programmes. The following information provides minimum admission requirements for Health and Allied Sciences (HAS) related programmes as detailed herein.
Click here to get HAS Admission guidebooks
I would love to join collage this year dealing with health
I would like to join with your college in medical officer I have passed form four and I scored D in Biology
What if i have passed all subjects except chemistry can i apply for health courses?
I would like to join health college this year
I have got “C” of chem &Bios together with “D” of phys. May i able 2 apply 4 clinical medicine courxe?
Yes , you will be able to apply
How can I apply
I would like to join health college this year and i have passed form four and i scored D in biology and D in chemistry
I have got “C” of chem &Bios together with “F” of phys. May i able to apply for clinical medicine
No you can’t apply for clinical medicine without a D In physics
ihave 3 pasess 2 d and 1 c can i join
i have scored c ‘ of phyz as well as biology and B’ of chemistry wat course can i study?
I scored c in chemistry and c in biology d in physics and d in mathematics what course can I study
Can I be able to apply for clinical medicine with C in chemistry and biology,Physics D and Maths F???
Yes ofcourse! You’re are eligible to apply
Am like to join the upgrading nursing diploma I have the transcription so what’s going on?
i want to join nta level 5 in government college of health **
I need to join upgrading diploma in nursing and midwife but am not yet get transcription can I join the course???
I would like to join health college this year
Please help I want to apply diploma in clinical medicine but I don’t know where to begin for application
Where do I apply
I scored c in biology and chemistry D in physics and F in math can I apply medical laboratory science
Yes you can apply
I need this applicatiob
Iscore C in Biology,D Chemistry,. F in physics and mathematics, can I apply for nursing and midwifery and if not which one can I apply?
I score D in chemistry, D in Biology, D in physics but F in Mathematics !! Can I apply for Diploma in nursing 3 years? Registered Nurse??
Why do health colleges enroll many students who later on want to dismiss in a fishy way
What if I want to upgrade and I have certificate in nursing!?
I scored C biology, C in chemistry, and D in physics .can I apply for clinical medicine in diploma
I scored B of biology and chemistry,C of math D phys .l want to apply collage pharmacy this year ,l ask when people start to aply
I scored C in biology, C in chemistry, and D in physics .can I apply for clinical medicine in diploma
I scored B in biology D in chemistry&physics
can i apply
I need to apply nursing but I don’t know how can I start
I scored c in chem c in bio and c in geo but math l scored d and phy f in form4 can l study clinical medicine
I have d of physics then c of chemistry then b of biology I want to study clinical medicine
i scored c in chemistry then c in biologyand c in geography which course can i apply and how
I want to applying nursing college in the muhas college