NACTE has deregistered 10 colleges over irregularities

by Udahiliportal

THE National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) has deregistered 10 colleges over irregularities, among other reasons.

One of the deregistered colleges is Kizimbani Agricultural Training Institute which has become a subsidiary of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), said the Council’s Director of Compliance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Dr Jofrey Oleke.

Addressing a press conference in Dar es Salaam yesterday, Dr Oleke said the Isles Agricultural Institute has been deregistered due to the fact that NACTE is not responsible for coordination of studies or training offered by Universities or allied Colleges.

“The College has become part of SUZA; hence, we have deregistered it,” said the Director. The Council has also revoked the registration of two colleges after they decided to suspend training. They are the College of Business and Management in Dar es Salaam and the University Computing Center (UCC) – Mwanza Campus.

According to Dr Oleke, the rest of the colleges have been deregistered following various irregularities.

These include Azania College of Management, Times School of Journalism, Clever College as well as Gender Training Institute, all based in Dar es Salaam.

Others are ERA Training College in Bukoba, Aces College of Economic Sciences (ACES), as well as Zanzibar Institute of Business and Technology (ZIBRET) both at Mwanakwerekwe-Zanzibar, according to Dr Oleke.

“The decision has been reached in consideration of Article 20 (1) of the regulations for registration of vocational education colleges, 2001 (GN 279 of 26/10/2001),” he noted.

The Council’s Director of Curriculum Development and Assessment, Dr Anastella Sigweno said there are several reasons that may prompt deregistration of a higher learning institution, including failure to renew accreditation.

Dr Sigweno noted that some colleges are given provisional registration, which is valid for only two years, and the owner is supposed to apply for full registration within that period. Full registration is, meanwhile, valid for only five years.

The owner should therefore renew accreditation to continue offering education services. “Failure to meet all those directives, the college risks being deregistered.

However, the Council normally issues several warning letters before we go for the final decision like we did today,” she said.

The NACTE was established by Act of Parliament to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education and training in Tanzania.

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