Bariadi  Town Council (MC)

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About Bariadi  Town Council (MC)

1.1 Geographical location
Bariadi Town Council is the head quarter of Simiyu Region. This council covers the area of
876.71 km² and bordered with Sakwe and Ngulyati Wards on the West, Dutwa, Mwadobana
and Ikungulyabashashi on the North, Bumera, Nkololo and Budalabujiga wards on the East,
Luguru and Nkoma wards (Itilima District) on the South
1.2 Physical characteristics and administrative areas
The Council was established in 2012 as a process of upgrading of Bariadi Township
Authority as per Government Notice No.278 of 24th August, 2012.
The Bariadi Town Council is about 1192km from Dar es salaam City. It has ten wards; Bariadi,
Somanda, Sima, Malambo, Nyangokolwa, Guduwi, Nyakabindi and Bunahmala, which amount to
an area of 876.71 km2
1.3 Climatic Features:
The council has a tropical type of climate with clearly distinguished rainy and dry seasons.
According to meteorological statistics the average temperature for Bariadi is about 280 C with
an experience of a rainfall of 600mm as minimum and 900 mm as maximum per year. The
area has two seasons a year. The rainy season usually starts between mid- October and
December and ends in the second week of May. Normally it has two peak seasons. The first
peak lies between mid- October and December, while the second one, the longer season, falls
between February and mid- may. As such, the whole rainy season covers a total of almost six
months, with a dry spell which usually occurs in January. The dry season begins in mid-May
and ends in mid-October. This is a period of about five months. The dry season is the worst
period for this area.
The soils are hard to cultivate, pastures become very poor, and availability of water for
domestic use and livestock become acute problem. The amount and distribution pattern of
rainfall in the region is generally unequal and unpredictable. This implies that rainfall as a
source of water for domestic and production purposes in the region is less reliable for
sustainable water supply.
1.4 Topography and Vegetation
The topography of Bariadi is characterized by flat, gently undulating plains covered with low
sparse vegetation. The dominant soils are heavy black clay soils with areas of red loam and
sandy soil. It is observed that most of the Council is dry flat lowland.
1.5 Ethnicity of Indigenous people
The major ethic group is the Wasukuma(Wanyantuzu) who dominate a good number of
Council residents and are mostly found in every ward of the Council with a few number of
other ethnic groups including Wanyiramba in Malambo, Sima, Bariadi, Somanda and Isanga
wards. The Bariadi town is a trading centre, running businesses with domination of
agricultural and livestock activities.
1.6. Population
According to National population and housing census of 2012, the Bariadi Town Council had
a population of 155,620 in which males were 73,848 and females were 81,772. The Number
of households is 24315 and Household size is 6.4

Bariadi  Town Council (MC) Contact Information

  • Postal Address: P. O. Box 526, Bariadi
  • Telephone: +255 (28) 2700554
  • Mobile: *255 767 232 895
  • Email:

Vacancies and Internships at Bariadi  Town Council – Nafasi za Kazi Halmashauri Mji wa Bariadi

Bariadi  Town Council (MC) job vacancies are normally advertised through the Bariadi  MC Official website which can be accessed through this link:

 Also, Government jobs in Bariadi  Town Council are normally advertised through the government Official jobs portal (Public Service Recruitment Secretariat-PSRS) which can be accessed through this link-

Find and apply for various Companies, Government Institutions, and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Job Vacancies advertised in Bariadi  Town Council by browsing through the links listed below

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Important Note: The information on this page will continue to be updated as new opportunities are announced by the respective authority. If you can’t find the opportunities you are looking for, Please visit the official authority website for more opportunities.

Bariadi  Town Council Useful links

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