St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)


St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) is a private university in Mwanza, Tanzania. It was founded by the Catholic Bishops of Tanzania in 1998 (accredited in 2002) as a secular, nonprofit, private institution. Before 1998, SAUT was called first Nyegezi Social Training Centre and then Nyegezi Social Training Institute.

SAUT has over 10,000 students with an anticipated minimal rise each new academic year. The University attracts students from Tanzania and elsewhere, particularly Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, Malawi, Zambia, and recently Germany and other foreign nations. SAUT admits students of all nationalities and religious affiliations.

The University is divided into two campuses. The main campus (old campus) houses the administration buildings and the Faculty of Business Administration. The Malimbe campus, located one km away, is home to the Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, Engineering, Business Administration, Education and Mass Communication.

St. Augustine university damission news and updates

  • St. Augustine university of tanzania undergraduate tuition and fees
  • Saint augustine university mbeya mbeya tanzania
  • Saut mwanza courses
  • Saut university online application
  • Saut online application
  • Saut admission
  • Saut application forms
  • Saut mwanza online application
  • Saut mbeya almanac
  • Saut mbeya examination result
  • Saut mbeya online application
  • Majina waliochaguliwa saut mbeya
  • Saut mbeya selected students
  • Saut mbeya fee structure
  • Saut application forms


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