Table of Contents
Tanzania Youth Alliance (TAYOA) is locally registered non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of youth and adult people in Tanzania, with a focus on HIV/AIDS prevention ,reproductive health, entrepreneurship and employ-ability. TAYOA is implementing Global Fund project on HIV Prevention Programs for Adolescent Girls and Young Women -in Morogoro and Dodoma Regions. The organization invites eligible suppliers of Transport services listed below for financial year 2019/2020.
Lot Number | Lot descriptions | Locations | Type of Services |
TAY/GF/2019/09 | Supply of Transport service | Mpwapwa, Bahi DC, Kongwa, KondoaTC, IfakaraDC, Kilombero, Malinyi DC And UlangaDC | Transport |
The bidder must submit sealed envelope for each of the tender lot. The content for each submission is listed below.
a. Background (1page)
Applicants must submit a summary of experience is carrying out similar services. This may include a summary of clients whom the applicant has served.
b. Company /Organization profile(2pages)
Applicants must submit brief resumes(not exceeding one page) of at least 2personnel who will be involved in conducting the task. If the applicant has a company or firm profile, a summary of the firm will be adequate. Depending on the nature of assignment, a company profile or detailed CV’s of key personnel should be submitted as attachments.
c. Budget and Budget Justification (1 page)
Applicants must submit an itemized budget for the goods, services or supplies. When developing the budget the bidder must consider whether the proposed budget is reasonable and consistent with market price.
d. Approach and Timeline (2pages)
Applicants must provide a clear and concise description of the strategies that they will use to achieve the results and the timeline for submission of the products or services from the date of award. Applicants must describe ability and experience to work in Tanzania and how they will collaborate with programs and organizations either internal (in-country) or external.
e. Financial Security
Applicants must demonstrate sound financial management skills and access to at least 50% capital to carry out the services. When available a financial statement and or audit report will be an added advantage and should be included as an attachment.
f. Evaluation criteria:
TAYOA has an open and transparent procurement process. All bids will be analyzed by the members of Tender Committee. Before scoring, the application will be checked for completeness. Only completed tender will be considered. The mandatory submission for each application are:
· Cover page(1pages) |
· Application narratives (based on section a to e above) |
· Financial proposal(budget) |
· Company profile/CV of key personnel(max of 3 pages per CV) |
· Company/ Organization profile including organogram, registration and TIN certificate |
Attachments (not exceeding 10 pages) |
· Service provider should provide Certificate of service to participating beneficiaries
· |
Applicant must demonstrate capacity to carry out the proposed task. Knowledge and experience in the industry is required.
- Interested bidders may obtain further information from the TAYOA procurement office, Bahari Beach35/1, Kunduchi Mtongani, P.O.Box77874, from 00am to 3.30pm on Monday to Friday inclusive except on public holidays or write to,
- 2printed copies of the application should be submitted to the address at or before 10am, Friday 30th of August, 2019 or electronic application and scanned attachment to
- Late application shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
- Only short listed applicant will be contacted for the next step
Two copies of each tender should be submitted in a separate envelope, or electronic application and scanned attachment to The application should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer Tanzania Youth Alliance (TAYOA)
BahariBeach35/1, Kunduchi Mtongani P.O.Box77874
Dar es salaam
How to Apply